A Day of Spiritual Milestones in Butare: Bishop Philippe Rukamba Ordains New Clergy and Celebrates Jubilees

Today, the Diocese of Butare witnessed a momentous and spiritually enriching event as Bishop Philippe Rukamba ordained eight new priests and four deacons at the Our Lady of Wisdom Cathedral. This significant ceremony was further highlighted by the installation of six seminarians as acolytes and four seminarians as lectors. Additionally, two priests celebrated their 25th anniversary of priesthood, marking a day filled with blessings and joy.

A Ceremony of Ordination and Commitment

The ordination ceremony began with a solemn procession, followed by a deeply moving Mass. Bishop Rukamba, who has been shepherding the Diocese of Butare since 1997, delivered an inspiring homily that emphasized the virtues of service, humility, and unwavering dedication to God’s work. He reminded the newly ordained of their sacred duty to serve the Church and the community with love and compassion.

Welcoming New Priests and Deacons

In a profound moment of the ceremony, Bishop Rukamba laid hands on each of the eight priestly candidates and four deacon candidates, invoking the Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen them in their new roles. The newly ordained pledged their lives to the service of God and the community, a commitment that was met with heartfelt applause and joy from the congregation.

Installation of Acolytes and Lectors

The ceremony also included the installation of six seminarians as acolytes and four seminarians as lectors. These roles are crucial in the liturgical life of the Church, and their installation marks an important step in their journey towards priesthood. The seminarians’ dedication and commitment to their spiritual formation were evident as they accepted their new responsibilities with humility and grace.

Celebrating 25 Years of Faithful Service

Adding to the day’s celebrations, two priests were honored for their 25 years of dedicated service to the Church. Their silver jubilee was a testament to their enduring faith and commitment to their vocation. Bishop Rukamba praised their steadfastness and encouraged them to continue inspiring others through their ministry.

A Community United in Faith and Joy

The event was attended by clergy, family members, and parishioners from across the diocese. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of unity and celebration, as the community came together to support and pray for the newly ordained and those celebrating their jubilees. The ordination and installations are not only personal milestones for the individuals but also moments of renewal and hope for the entire diocese.

Continuing the Mission

Bishop Rukamba’s leadership has been instrumental in guiding the Diocese of Butare through times of change and growth. His commitment to fostering vocations and supporting the clergy has strengthened the diocese’s mission to live and proclaim the Gospel. Today’s ordination and installations are a testament to this ongoing mission and the vibrant faith of the Butare Catholic community.

As the newly ordained and installed begin their ministry, they carry with them the prayers and support of the entire diocese. May their journey be blessed, and may they continue to inspire and lead with faith and compassion.

One response to “A Day of Spiritual Milestones in Butare: Bishop Philippe Rukamba Ordains New Clergy and Celebrates Jubilees”

  1. BUTARE Avatar

    congratulations to them

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